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3D printing in Education: visualization of complex structures and objects

3D printing in Education: visualization of complex structures and objects

The aim

The opportunity to develop students’ spatial thinking and creative skills, as well as to quickly reproduce models, created by the students themselves. 3D printing is a powerful educational tool. Some examples of the educational use of 3D printing are:
  • creation and visualization of complex objects
  • mockups of process equipment
  • imitation of a human body fragment or an organ
  • complete reconstruction of historical, archaeological, or art related objects


In addition to creative development and developing spatial thinking, students gain practical experience in prototyping, which later serves as an excellent incentive for choosing engineering professions. 3D technologies have a positive impact on the quality of education and on the program as a whole, because thanks to additive technologies, the training plan is supplemented with the basics of design, engineering, construction and modeling. In addition, creating something with your own hands in real time helps to change the child’s thinking from consumption to generating ideas and creating. For the educational process, the Nexa3D printer is perfect, it can print a 3D model in a few minutes in a safe, secure and cost effective manner.