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Reconstructive surgery: the surgeon adjusts the medical device to the patient

Reconstructive surgery: the surgeon adjusts the medical device to the patient

3DCeram has developed a unique stereolithography based technology for the manufacture of custom-made bioceramic cranial or jawbone implants named BioCranium®. Our custom hydroxyapatite ceramics implants allow the replacement of the important osseous defects of the dome of the skull and the jawbone part, thus guaranteeing the protection of the subjacent anatomical structures. This custom method is also used in reconstructive surgery for the patients carrying of a loss of cranio-facial osseous substance, after a surgical act. The ceramic implants are an alternative to the osseous grafts which very often come from the patient himself, and thus avoid him additional pains. The surgeon remains at the heart of the operation that he controls by adjusting the medical device to the pathology of his patient. The 3D digital model of the bone defect to be repaired is made directly using the patient’s pre-surgery scan and in accordance with the instructions from the surgeon. He analyzes and decides on the right shape, location and structure of the porous zones adequate to support the integration of the prosthesis. The implant, accurate to one tenth of a millimeter and made in a very short time, is ideally suited to the morphology of the patient for a high quality reconstruction.