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Al-Mg Aluminium Metal Powder

Al-Mg is alloy with good heat treatment response for structural parts. High level of mechanical properties is achieved along with the absence of expensive components in chemical composition. The parts or samples do not require solution treatment followed by quenching. Corrosion resistance of the alloy is similar to traditional 5XXX alloys. The alloy is a good substitute of aluminium wrought analogues for various applications.


Materials Type

Metal Powders


Al, Mg


Moisture content ≤0,03 %
Shape of the particles Spherical
Non-metallic inclusions None
Physical properties
Density 2,677 g/cm3
Porosity ≤ 0,25 vol. %
Average mechanical properties
As-sintered Annealed
Elastic modulus Е XY 70 GPа 70 GPа
RT UTS (σВ) XY 360 MPa 440 MPa
Z 360 MPa 435 MPa
RT TYS (σ0,2) XY 290 MPa 340 MPa
Z 290 MPa 340 MPa
250°С UTS (σВ) XY 160 MPa 170 MPa
Z 160 MPa 160 MPa
250°С Elongation δ5 XY 25% 12%
Z 22% 18%
Hardness XY 85 HV 125 HV
