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    C101 EASY LAB

    The 3D printer to develop & prototype then scale up on the C3600 ULTIMATE

    C101 EASY LAB

    The 3D printer to develop & prototype then scale up on the C3600 ULTIMATE


    C900 HYBRID

    In order to print a second, or more, material at the same time.

    C900 HYBRID

    In order to print a second, or more, material at the same time.


    C3600 ULTIMATE

    The mass production’s solution. The 3600 is the largest industrial printer in the 3DCeram product

    C3600 ULTIMATE

    The mass production’s solution. The 3600 is the largest industrial printer in the 3DCeram product line with a build area of ​​600x600x300mm. The Ceramaker 3D printer allows you to produce products with high surface quality, the roughness of which does not exceed 2 microns.


    C900 FLEX

    С900 Flex 3D printer allows you to produce products with a high surface quality, the roughness of w

    C900 FLEX

    С900 Flex 3D printer allows you to produce products with a high surface quality, the roughness of which does not exceed 2 microns.