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AlSi7Mg Aluminium Metal Powder

AlSi7Mg – is the common aluminium Al-Si alloy with good casting properties showing high performance during powder bed fusion.
The alloy offers good strength and better ductility than for AlSi10Mg alloy. Printed samples and parts can be annealed or water quenched for various applications.
The properties are equal or superior to traditional casting A356 type alloys.
As-sintered parts can be treated in a similar manner as for casted parts



Country of origin



Chemical composition, wt.
Aluminium (Al) Balance
Silicon (Si) 6,5 – 7,5%
Magnesium (Mg) 0,25 – 0,45%
Iron (Fe) ≤ 0,35%
Titanium (Ti) ≤ 0,15%
Copper (Cu) ≤ 0,1%
Manganese (Mn) ≤ 0,35%
Zinc (Zn) ≤ 0,1%
Physical properties
Density 2,65 g/cm3
Porosity ≤ 0,20 vol. %
Thermal conductivity 155 W/m·K
Average mechanical properties
Layer thickness/ building rate 30 μm/ 30.8 cm3/h 60 μm/ 40.2 cm3/h
Condition As-built Annealed As-built Annealed
UTS (σВ)
XY 330 MPa 270 MPa 350 MPa 290 MPa
Z 360 MPa 275 MPa 360 MPa 310 MPa
TYS (σ0,2),
XY 220 MPа 175 MPа 210 MPа 190 MPа
Z 210 MPа 170 MPа 180 MPа 175 MPа
Elongation δ5
XY 12% 15% 13% 14%
Z 8% 14% 8% 8%
